Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Elevator Scene - 2/15/08

The elevator door closed with a bell tone and Shaggy felt his cheeks turn red. There, standing in the elevator with him was this hot woman in tights, boots, a fitting top and a mask. Her long blond hair peeked out from her mask and hood.

Shaggy panted, realized what he was doing and turned away. There, stuck with him for a whole thirteen floors was the woman of his dreams!

He hoped he wasn't dreaming.

The woman turned to his direction in a corner, stared, and looked as if she raised an inquiring eyebrow.

Shaggy looked away.

"What?" her voice was soft yet demanding. She sounded irritated but to Shaggy, her voice was like an angel singing in the heavens.

Later, Shaggy would blame his response on his male hormones... He couldn't help himself. After all, he was male. And one with no brains who could only eat.

"N-Nothing... Just..." he started but trailed off as he caught sight of her breasts.

The woman held out a fist. "You have five seconds."

Shaggy gulped and looked around, realized for the third time, he was stuck in an elevator with a woman and how dangerous it was.

And that, my friends, was how Shaggy had gotten a red hand-print on his cheek.

Note: Forgive me if Catwoman's hair isn't blond.

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