Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Time My World Changed v. 3

I Can See Again

my vision is blurred

colors blend together

stuck together

opaque, unclear

i trip

i fall --

every movement




my vision is clouded

black becomes brown

green becomes yellow

thin, black lines on paper

appear blank…








someone notices

my trips, my falls, my clumsiness

holds out hand

grasps it tight

and pulls me up

I can see again.
It is clear.
No longer does my paper appear blank.
Rather, precise lines are interwoven on the paper.
There are a million different shades.
Thousands of the same color.


I can define it.
I can touch it.
I can feel it.
It reaches out and I…

I can see.

Edit: I've changed the second to last full stanza.


Anonymous said...

Your flow seems a lot smoother, by eliminating a couple words. 'flinches' is definitely a stronger word. i like that a lot.

my paper shows precise lines
spider webbed across the page... or something?

--holds out a hand
grasps it tight

definitely improved, that portion was a little confusing in your previous version

Anonymous said...

also-- love the format

[jazzy] said...

oh goodness, this is fantastic.
it shows, baby!
i noticed that you've added stronger words, and added more to make it clearer.

excellent work.

Kanna-san said...

"My paper shows precise lines
as they appear webbed throughout the paper." Maybe 'Lines appear webbed, interwoven into my paper.' I liked how you stayed with the original thought of simple lines to portray complex idea's. I noticed that you changed the formate of your poem to more staggered, I like how it seems to portray the feeling of not knowing where you're looking. It really emphasizes the feeling of the poem.

Cassie said...

I absolutely love the format.
Like the beginning I can picture somebody falling and their thoughts are just as choppy as how you wrote them.
And then when they get back up, everything is fine.
Your writing really refects all this.
And the wording is great
very very good (:

Anonymous said...

The format change fits really nicely with your message. You've also chosen strong words in parts that needed it. But the fact that you switched to lines when you realized you can see again after the other format was really, really, an awesome change.

Anonymous said...

i'm not going to lie.
i really like how you
wrote your poems differently
by showing and having your own flows. keep it up =)